Friday, December 9, 2011

The Best Way to Spread Holiday Cheer


If you answered, "singing loud for all to hear" ala the movie 'Elf', then you are wrong. The best way to spread holiday cheer is by Clark Griswalding your home ala 'Christmas Vacation.'

Last week, I was feeling a little homesick and depressed about the upcoming Christmas festivus. I realized I could continue being depressed or I could take action: If I couldn't go home, I would bring home to China and create a winter wonderland in my apartment. Grabbing my eco-friendly shopping bag, I walked next door to Sam's Club (which I can now correctly pronounce in Chinese) and stuffed an entire shopping cart full of Christmas decorations- made in China of course. I am now the proud owner of a "Happy Christmas" sign, a pink Santa, a 6 ft Christmas tree, a ridiculous amount of garland and fake snow. Yes, that is right. My apartment has fake snow. For right now, it is only the windows but there is more to come.

I am determined to be the Clark Griswald of China this year. My apartment may not have the electrical capacity though- it's like my sister's Passat. Looks good to the eye but there are always problems underneath the hood. Just two days ago, a government work crew came to our apartment to fix the lights. I had no idea what was going on when all the power shut off in my apartment at 8am. I frantically called my boss and handed the phone to the workers at the entrance of my apartment building, to find out that no, my refrigerator hadn't broken for a forth time (we are still only on 3 breaks). I would have appreciated some advanced notice but I am grateful for the fix as the wiring in my place has caused a lightbulb to shoot out of the socket and kick off the fuse box on several occasions. It’s always quite a fright when something shoots out of the ceiling and lands next to your feet.

As a side note, I am constantly reminding myself (or being gently reminded) that China is a developing country with quite a bit of growing until it has the modern connivances that I am fortunate enough to be love and know as a product that is ‘made in the USA.’ Yes, KFC and McDonald’s delivery is very cool but it cannot replace an emergency repairman that comes within 4 days of a telephone call or proper electrical wiring.

It’s getting late and I have papers to grade. 再见

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